Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Years Eve 2011

I had big plans for New Years Eve this year- going to see New Years Eve (the movie) in the theater but no I am sick in bed with a cold and a neck ache. Best luck ever- you betcha!

So It's New Years Eve and I thought I should reflect on one of the best years of my life. (this is probably going to be VERY LONG, my apologizes)

  • I turned 23
  • I had 2 interviews for internships
  • I ended my internship at the legislative office which was wonderful
  • I got an internship at the Surrogate's Court
  • Started my internship at the Surrogate's Court

  • St. Patrick's Day fiasco lives on

  • Dad retired from the Fire department- 33 years!
  • Bought a bed

  • Went to a fundrasier for a local firefighter who was badly burned 
  • Got my iPhone
  • Graduated College ( distinugished honors!!)
  • Disney World
  • Kick off to Summer Celebration at the beach
  • Memorial Day Parade- Honoring those who gave it all for our country

  • Networking with Emily at Bamboo 52, St. Marks Hotel and Bar None (Hi Jack the Red Sox Fan from Boston!)
  • Michael Buble Concert in Atlantic City
  • Living Gluten Free became my life. literally.

  • 4th of July on the Beach
  • NKOTBSB concert in Atlantic City
  • Beach days

  • Mommy and Daddy's 30th Wedding Anniversary
  • Exciting news from the Surrogate's Court
  • Hurricane Irene (sitting in Home Depot for 5 hours)

  • Even more exciting news from the Surrogate's Court
  • 10 year anniversary of September 11
  • Mommy's Birthday
  • Last day at Victoria's Secret

  • Dad's Birthday
  • Started my (big girl) job at the Surrogate's Court

  • Got my name plate
  • National Adoption Day went Wonderful
  • Got the hang of the office (and how to dismantle paperwork that had exihbits up to EEE)

  • Happy Birthday Frank Sinatra Celebration
  • Christmastime in the Office
  • Christmas Day at home
  • got the best christmas gift EVER
WOW! what a crazy year 2011 was.

Here is to another wonderful year filled with laughter, surprises, family, friends and joy.

xoxox Elle

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Best Present EVER

Merry Christmas everyone. I hope everyone got what they wanted. I wanted to share this one photo.
My Favorite gift this year- yup 3 old keys with a ribbon tying them together.
My parents gave this to me as my very last gift. along with it came a note- on parchment paper and it read:
Dear Gabrielle,
We want to first tell you how proud we are of you. We are proud of the person you have grown into. We are also so proud how level headed you are as a young adult. You have set goals for yourself and applied yourself and achieved those goals. We are also very aware you have a dream which you have shared with us. The dream to someday own your own home . We want to help you achieve this dream.
Enclosed are three keys. These keys are actually keys from the turn of the centry. Dad searched high and low for these keys. He lovingly sprayed them for you so they shine as bright as your personailty.
The first key is the key to our heart. You have our unconditional love and support and always will. The second key is the key to unlock your future. You have so many opportunities waiting for you- don’t let a great opportunity pass you by. The third key represents the key (someday you will actually hold in your hand)…. they key to your FIRST HOME. We want to start your HOUSE FUND with a contribution from us to you…. WITH LOVE!
Mom & Dad
ps. We read somewhere you are more likely to achieve your dreams and goals if you actually visualize them… we thought these keys and your HOUSE FUND should help you do just that! XXOO
I was so touched and taken aback by this gift. My parents are so amazing and this was so amazing.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

All I want for Christmas is...

So I just got back from lunch and I see an older man walk by with a younger woman. As he walks by he takes one look at me and says the following:
Man: I want you under my christmas tree this year
Woman: dad you don't have a tree
Man: I will get one just for her

I have the most Uncontrollable giggle fit. Well I'm glad my demographic didn't change.

Merry Christmas y'all!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Friday, December 9, 2011


Switzerland, Ireland, France. Gosh my voice has traveled more places than I have!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Bonjour belle

Nothing beats talking to someone from Paris and being called mademoiselle over and over. That can make a girl very happy on a very rainy day.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Not a normal monday

Today was so unexpected funny. I forgot my lunch. I parked in the garage expecting to be able to walk the overpass to get into the justice complex WRONG! I was greeted by 3 very quizzative guards. The questions included but not limited to : " how are you today?" " you work here?" "where?" "why are you over here?" " open you jacket please?" "what is your name?" yes I played 20 questions in about a minute. We received a ton of mail today. One Christmas card was from a very nice house which happens to be white. Yup, that's right we got a Christmas card from the POTUS and family plus the dog. It was precious.

That was about the extent of the day- other than more crazy questions.

Your station is so happy and cheerful!
One of the best!- a note from the cleaning lady.

Friday, December 2, 2011

I'm going to be a little weepy

Today was interesting. Our computers were down for a bit and it was slow which I was happy about. I received a few phone calls that were very sad which in turn made me very sad.
1. A mother whose first words to me were "I'm sorry I'm going to be a little weepy" which I didn't understand at first but then she started to tell me that her son was killed in Afghanistan last month. I believe I remember seeing the procession on the local news station. He was 19 or so.
2. A mother called saying over the summer her 9 year old daughter drowned in a pool. I believe this was on the news as well bc she drowned in a local hotel pool
3. A young woman came in about 27-30 with a very curious young boy; the look on her face told the whole story. The look of sadness that filled her face was deafening. She tried to speak and as she spoke her voice trembled and she tried so hard to be strong for her and her son. She sat down and she tried so hard to not cry. She must have really loved him.
One of the highlights of the day was this olde man came in pretty early this morning asking if his paperwork was ready. Unfortunetly it wasn't because our computers were down. He was going back to michigan tomorrow and he wanted to settle some affairs before then. So I told him that we can mail him the paperwork so he could go home as planned. I suggested he could call back a little later to see if it was ready. Later that day, the older man called back and he paperwork was ready. He came in and I handed him his paperwork and he was amazed. He looked at the envelope and then at me. He finally said "I bet you had something to do with this being ready. " I just smiled and said have a good holiday. He walked away smiling whig was a nice surprise for me after all of the sadness.

I came home to stress and thinking to. Myself- wondering why do we bother with love if it doesn't last? My parents marriage is hanging on by threads. All my relationships have ended up in sadness. I posed this question to a friend: "Do you think everyone has someone out there? Do you believe that there is an invisible red string that connects 2 people together? "
His response : "I'll be honest with you. I think there is someone for everyone. I think there are a few people for someone, that if things go wrong you can still find someone and be happy. I also believe that some people, no matter how happy they are with another person, some people are destined to live their lives without someone by their side. It's fate and chance and love and it's all a big mess."
I was intrigued by his answer because I sometimes think I can live my life without anyone. I like being by myself. I am more comfortable alone. I am not a showy person and I am quiet.

Life is funny.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Monday Monday Monday

It's Monday. I have my new Zara dress on. It's sunny and beautiful out. I am loving this week already. More later

Saturday, November 26, 2011


So I was sitting at my computer, reading my quote book, and I had this flashback.
Spring 2008 West Virginia Spring Break nighttime. I was doing a habitat for humanity type of spring break project and we were staying at this church- it wasn't small but it wasn't very large. I felt very comfortable here from the moment we stepped in. Now I was never a big fan of church and I always felt weird being inside of one. This one I didn't feel weird I felt at ease. At night after we talked or have an activity we would have some free time. I really didn't have a friend there with me. I was a little bit of a loner and I knew everyone on the trip very well but I kept to myself and at night I found myself coloring (daddy bought me a curious George coloring book and new crayons before the trip), having a snack or (this even surprised me) sitting in the mini chapel that was inside of the church by myself with george ( Leah I think was my secret buddy and she found me my own curious George) just thinking sometimes writing nonsense in my journal. For me it was so peaceful- I sat there some nights wishing I would become close to some people there; other nights I would think about my grandmother, pray that my father was okay at work and pray my mommy was feeling okay. One night I think it was one of the last nights- I was sitting in one of the last pews and Andrew, a boy who was on the trip, a senior, who happened to be very religious. I guess he was making sure everything was locked up and he noticed the mini chapel lights were on. He was surprised to see me, of all the people on the trip, sitting by myself in the chapel at night. He sat in the pew behind me, a little stunned that i was there. He asked if I was okay and we made some small talk. After a bit, he left, leaving me sitting there just as peaceful as I was. We never spoke about him seeing me in there or why I was in there. After a bit, george and I left, shut the lights and went to bed. I never talked about this with anyone but for some reason it popped into my head. The trip itself was wonderful but that was one of the pivotal moments in that trip.

Also one of the nights sitting in the chapel one night, I found a pencil, one of those silly golf pencils. It was red, and it had a saying on it- Prayer Changes Things. I kept that pencil and I still have it.

Prayer changes things, Yo!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Thankful, Grateful and Awe

Thanksgiving this year was by far my favorite. It was just my parents and I relaxing all day; my mom and I cooking the mashed potatoes, homemade (gluten free stuffing) and the pork lion ( we have turkey all the time so its really not that special for us). We ate when we got done cooking and we didnt rush to finish nor did we do anything we didnt want to do. With our white cranberry cosmo (mom), Red Wine (dad) and Mikes lite hard lemonade (me) we toasted (salute) to our wonderful life and our gave thanks for everything we had.

The past 5 years or so I have not really enjoyed Christmas but this holiday season I am in LOVE with everything besides decorating a Christmas Tree. I am listening to Christmas music and really enjoying it. I think because I am not working in retail anymore and I can finally enjoy my holidays without being aggravated with the crazy holiday shoppers. My shopping was/is done online and it's mostly done! I think this career was a good choice for me.

to conclude:
being thankful and grateful once a year isnt enough for me- I am thankful each and everyday for my life, my job, my family and the people who I surround myself with. Happy Thanksgiving!


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

5 years ago...

I was dating this boy and he had me totally smitten. He held doors open for me, picked me up at my house (in this white car), always paid (even when I offered to pay), watched Disney movies and silly cartoon with can see where I'm going- he was the perfect guy in a Taylor Swift song. When we came home for thanksgiving- we lived in the same town we went to see happy feet. It was a sweet movie but since we decided to go to a late showing, we assumed (you know what happens when you assume) it would be empty. Well we were SOOO wrong An eight year old little girl decided to have a birthday party at the movies and decided to stay up late and watch yup you guessed it- happy feet. It was precious and we laughed about it afterwards. It was a perfect date.
Unfortunatly it didn't work out and years went by and he admitted to me that he had made a mistake hurting me and it has eaten away at him for the past four years. Sweet right?! Well , not really because he graduated and moved outta state. Sounds like another Taylor Swift song right?
We still keep in contact, wishing each other happy birthday but that's it.

SO the whole point of this post was that Happy Feet 2 came out or is coming out this weekend and I got a fit of giggles when I realized that
1. It's been 5 years since we dated
2. Happy feet 2 is out
3. How much I want to call him and see if he wants to go see happy feet 2 this weekend for old times sake.

I will not be doing #3 but it would be nice.

God I feel old. 5 years is a long time.

A whole new world for you and me.

Monday, November 21, 2011

I spy

I saw a lot of unique things today. Prisoners outside my window; people in a store I never seen open; I saw other funny things that I just cannot remember now :/
I have the hiccups right now- I do not like it.

So goodnight moon,
And goodnight you,
When you're all that I think about.

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Boys have broken my heart in the past. I get it- boy breaks my heart, I mope around, I eat junk food for a week or so, I'm find. But when boys say hurtful and mean words that essentially make me cry- I break. And boys have broken me in the past. This boy said some of the most hurtful things- saying that I don't have my life together because I am not comfortable with driving somewhere at night by myself. Then he went on to compare me to his ex girlfriend who is in med school becoming a doctor- she has her life together and I don't.
I am me that is only who I can be. I know you might look down on me because I don't have clients all over the world And I have a job that pays good (in my opinion), I have an AAS degree which I'm very proud of and yes I did live on a college campus- for 3 years.
You have not only embarrassed your self by what you said but you have lost my respect. And to think I thought you were a good guy.
But I'm not a vindictive person- I am not going to smear you name all over the Internet; I'm not going to talk badly about you to my friends; I am a good girl who will hold her head high and bounce back from this hiccup in my life because that is what I do- I always bounce back and I'm always stronger than I was. THANK YOU for showing me that you are NOT the man of my dreams. The man of my dreams is out there somewhere and I won't lose hope even in my darkest days.


Friday, November 18, 2011

Smiles, wishes granted and teddy bears

This week was filled with an array of emotions. Monday I felt frazzled and a little overwhelmed. Tuesday I felt a little less overwhelmed. Wednesday I felt calm and relaxed. Thursday I was nervous and upset. Friday excited nervous and relaxed.

That is eight yes 8 different emotions. In one week. It was beyond crazy and I am so proud because of what I accomplished.

Today is National Adoption Day. I was super prepared and only a little hiccup happened which wasn't really something bad but some unsureness. All the children were Adopted and there were tears (of happiness) laughter, joy, relief and happiness. It was a wonderful day to be part of.

Keep your head up.
It's finally here- national adoption day!!!! Eek. I'm excited but a little nervous but hopeful at the same time. Update later xoxo

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Snails, turtles, paint dry

Today is slow (the name that should not be spoken) EXTREMELY slow. All the mail is done, no one is coming in, the phone calls are sporadic and it's quiet as a mouse in here. BUT I'm not complaining one bit!

The sunset was so beautiful last night on my drive home. It started out as pastel pinks and yellows then it transitioned into brilliant bright yellow, orange, hot pink then into deep oranges, reds, and deep purples. It was wonderful to such a brilliant show on my way home from work. It was quite a crazy day but that made my day a little better.
What made my day even better? Mommy made chicken Parmesan with zucchini in these fun little tin foil packets. It made me smile.

The boy texted me this random text:

8 to 9...9 to 10 we are meeting for the first time we might never meet again you and me we are meeting for the first time can't you see 7 6 5 4 3

I had no idea what he was talking about. We have been trying to meet and it totally confused me.then it hit me its a coldplay song. Typical.

I slept like a baby again. I had a weird dream that included skiing in Montana and a mutual friends son. Weird.

It's almost lunchtime! Maybe a stroll over to the library will wake me up.

Wake me up before you go-go
Wake me up before you go-go

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Its beginning to look a lot like.... FALL

This weekend was relaxing and non productive.

I got to speak to the boy this weekend which was nice because it was more than just 5 minutes.  Our mutual friend, might be right about him. BUT im not counting my chickens or jumping the gun or anything like that but I am hopeful about the future.

I have a full week this week unlike last week- where I had 2 days off. BUT the most exciting part of this week is NATIONAL ADOPTION DAY on friday. Technically it on Saturday but we dont work on Saturday so its on Friday for us. I am very proud to be part of this- which me only having 72 hours to learn EVERYTHING there is about adoption for someone who has been doing it 23 years?! Its pretty impressive in my book. It was a lot of work and I still ahve a lot to do this week. But I can do it!

Tuesday is going to be 5 months gluten free!!! I have been feeling a whole lot better than May. I have my mother to thank for that!

Well, off to prepare for another crazy week.

You need to have a little faith, not everyone you love is going to leave you.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Lucky ducky

Hi all the anonymous people out that visit my blog. I don't know you but you get to know a little about me and my crazy life.

Today is Veterans day. I tear up every time I read about a veterans coming home, a photo of a veteran etc. I am so proud of our troops and what they do. Risking their lives for our freedom I am old enough to know friends who are veterans.

I got the red, white and blue flying high.

I am proud to be an American today, tomorrow and forever.


It's official. My 3 day weekend starts as of 11 minutes ago.

It's 11/11/11. The luckiest day of the decade. It's a popular wedding day too.

I want to pose a question to you: what are you wishing for today?

I asked a good friend the same question before and he answers "inner peace". He poses the question back to me and I was stumped. I answered "creativeness". But honestly I don't know what I would really wish for. Of course I would love to be a millionaire or have a house of my own or a range river or I could go on forever. I have every thing I need right now. Family, health, shelter, employment- I'm pretty content. Life is good for me right now- I feel very blessed.

Life makes love look hard.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Finally free

I'm finally free from VS. It feels sooo good.

Do you know what else feels good?? Working today and tomorrow and having a 3 day weekend!!!!

God I love life!!!
- Elle

Monday, November 7, 2011


so I had some pretty crazy dreams this past weekend and I decided to look them up in a dream interpreter and this is what came up:

To dream that you are arrested by the police suggest that you feel sexually or emotionally restrained because of guilt. The dream may also be a metaphor that you are feeling apprehensive about something.

To see or eat pizza in your dream represents abundance, choices and variety. it may also indicate that you are lacking or feeling deprived of something. alternatively, a pizza may have similar significance to a circle.


damn girl you do it well, and i thought you were innocent.
-Elle xoox

Sunday, November 6, 2011

I'm a turtle

Yes, I am a human but figuatively a turtle- let me explain

With my past in relationships- eh, there lack of, the guys I have dated always havent been mr. wonderful. At the time in my life, I thought they were wonderful, yet when I look back, I wonder what the hell was I thinking?! So I'm 23 right now and a friend introduced me to a wonderful man. I've been talking to him, for a bit and we have been having a hard time finally meeting- one weekend something came up and this weekend he had to go into work (for a bit). Well I have been so excited to meet him and I was looking forward to this all week and I even told the girls at work- which I  rarely talk about my personal life at work- and at first on friday night he said wasnt sure what time he is avaible tomorrow (ie saturday) and he would text me in the morning. Morning came and I had a text messge waiting for me and he said that He got called into work and can we move it to later today. I was crushed AGAIN and I didnt think and I just wrote, "WE CAN JUST FORGET ABOUT IT." I was so mad. He texted me later apologizing and asking why I was so rude about it. That was the end of my string and I blew up at him and said finally" You're a nice guy. Go find another girl who can deal with your crazy schedule and your lifestyle. Our lifestyles are completely different. We  just wont work. good bye."

Then later that night  I texted him" I'm stubborn, irrational at times, i jump to conclusions way too early. I'm sorry. I was rude and arrogant. I try to protect myself from getting hurt and i push people away. i'm sorry. :("
 He says in paraphrasing- i have no idea what that has to do with me pushing us hanging out by a few hours. all i could say was i was just trying to apologize and explain why i did that. I havent heard from him since.
I screwed up royally with this guy. I am the first one to admit it. I jumped down his throat and not even asking any questions such as " what time were you thinking?" or " oh okay, maybe tomorrow?" no I just jumped to the conclusion and shut down

Now I am getting to the point of me being a turtle. When ever a guy got close to me and I got the feeling he was getting to know me too well, I would shut down and block him out IE. I would crawl back into my shell and try to forget about it.
When ever I think someone is trying to change my world aka my bubble, I get scared and i run away. I only do this in my dating life- go back into my shell and try to forget about what happened.

I am a turtle and I need help with it. =/

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Flying solo part duex

Golly today was a crazy busy day. After running to the JCX 4 times and dealing with secretaries, I was exhausted. Thank god I wore flats today! Adoption day is finally coming together!

Another crazy day is ahead of me and something exciting to look forward to on Saturday =]

This city is my city
And I love it, yeah I love it
I was born and raised here
I got it made here
And if I have my way, I'm gonna stay

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Snow in October?!?!

So I was awoken to the pitter patter of frozen rain on my window. In October.
Thanks mother nature for wrecking havoc on my life. I'm enjoying a lazy day of movies and laundry. Maybe later some crafts- I need to get my banner for my booth together for November and December/ winter.

My pants from old navy came in the mail yesterday! I'm officially a size 8 Yay! It felt so good to have pants that actually fit!

The gift is knowing you were there to show your love.

Update: 10pm its snowing. For real. I cannot get over this. I am a bump on a log- I did nothing besides make a cute banner for Halloween. The office doesnt dress up so i decided to wear my peacock scarf and paint my nails navy blue. That is the extent of my Halloween costume. Haha.
I spent the day in bed- watching movies ( clueless, sydney white, what happens in Vegas and failure to launch) and I ate junk food all day. Except for lunch mommy made her homemade chicken soup. It has been a wonderful day.

I chatted with the boy and he sent me the most adorable photo of his puppy. I melted. There is no reason for me to not try with the boy. As our mutual friend says I need to try. I agree I'm just stubborn. Hahaha

Become what you admire in others

Friday, October 28, 2011

It'sFriday it's Friday gotta get down on Friday...

Thank go its Friday. After the conversation I had last night I think I'm destined to be single. Honestly it's the same game every time. He has everything his heart desires and there is me saving every penny I make and having little to show for it. Well not little but not nearly enough where I want.
I would love to get a Kate Spade bag or Tory Burch shoes. But I don't because I have things I want to get in the future(ie. a house and a retirement account)

Thursday, October 27, 2011


Sometimes I don't feel as if I measure up to someone's idea of what they imagine but in reality I exceed it but I don't believe I do as good of a job as I do. I need to believe in myself and be more confident in myself. :/

Even on my weakest days, I'm getting stronger....

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Just breathe.

Today I was eager and I got to work extra early to tackle the pile of work that has been growing the last couple of days. Besides mixing up 2 files (totally my mistake which I fixed) things are going swimmingly. I have to finish putting together 2 files and run them to the judge and start reading some others.
I'm starting to feel a little better about doing this work. I've only been here a month, I am doing fine - per my bosses. Lol

- it's a quarter after 3 and I'm all alone and I need you now.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The good life

Work is going much better today. Since we are short staffed I got to go to lunch a little early today and I decided to go people watching. This has to be one of my favorite past times. The local library is one of my favorite spots. Lots of unusual people come and go here. Also the dunking' plays good music. And another highlight of my day-PAYDAYYY! Best day of the week by far.

Also someone telling you that "you are one of the kindest people we've met" ranks pretty high up there.
Also this:
-Im here there's no leaving
-You sure. I'm pretty sure I'm a handful and more.
-I can see that ;)

I just have to keep doing what I'm doing, stay positive and good things will come to me.

Monday, October 24, 2011

flying solo

today was my first day flying (figuratively) solo; I wanted to ease into it and start slow. Today was anything but slow.Switching between both my jobs was extremely hard and it was even harder to do because I dont have all the files in one spot. The most outlandish questions came in and I felt as if I was in so deep. I didnt even have an appetite today. That in itself was so unusual. Hopefully tomorrow will be better and I will feel more in control. I am so glad I got my weeks worth of outfits together last night, ironed everything and I do not have to do a thing. Thank god for being so organized!

Tomorrow is my first payday since I started to work. THANK GOD. I felt like an intern since I started. HAHAHA

-all i want for Christmas is you

Friday, October 21, 2011

Giggling. That's all I did today. From my silly questions to the "decorations" on my desk. All day was a gigglefest. I am very excited. I'm flying solo on next week (actually a tiny but nervous) but I'm also excited about tomorrow. Happy me.

It's the good life.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Shimmer of hope on this rainy day.

I am going for my complimentary Pilates class tonight. That made my day just a little better. Also, in other news- it is pouring outside and I parked in the garage today. I am happy with that decision.
Also, in upcoming news, I see my good friend tomorrow at her new apartment. She recently moved back to the area and I am so so excited to see her. And tomorrow I will be attending a seminar on adoptions.

My babys riding' shot gun singing just a little off key with her tan feet tappin out the back beat.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Wonderful end to a great weekend.

I spent the day out with my mommy and daddy. We went down by the water- super choppy water but overall beautiful weather.

I'm looking forward to another wonderful work week. I have some errands to do hopefully tomorrow.

I also inquired about a Plates class in town. I'm really excited to try it. Also the best thing is the first class is free. My favorite price!!

Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes it quietly says, I'll try again tomorrow.

Weird dream

So I was hanging out with this guy when he got a call that his uncle had died and he needed to break the bad news to him and bring him home. So the guy tells me what's going on and asks me can I come along- he isnt good in these types of situations. So I agree and we head to the school. We explain to the school officials and they set us up in an empty office. The guy was very nervous and when his brother came in, he just started to stutter. So the guy finally blurts out" uncle Henry died." the brothers face had this expression I've never seen before and I looked over to the guy and he had his head in his hands. I thought to myself" jeeze i have to take control of this situation. So I grabbed the brother and sat him on my lap( I think he was in 2nd or 3rd grade) and he began to cry and he buried his head on my shoulder. I look over to the guy( whose name was never said nor do I know it) and he is in the same position. I start telling the little brother that his uncle loved him very much and he is still with you in your heart and memory. I was hoping the guy would hear this too. After about 10 minutes of this, both the little brother and the guy dried their tears and we left the empty office. We walked him back to class and that's where things get weird....
As the guy and I were trying to make our way out of the school, the guy turns into a girl. So we are walking around looking for a stairwell to get back out. We finally find one but it wasn't the one we came up in and we couldn't remember what floor we needed to go to so we started to walk up and then we realized we were I. The roof. Completely wrong!! So e start walking down the stairs and all of the sudden, we feel as if we were sideways and upside down. We quickly left that stairwell and just ended up sitting in the stairwell because we had no idea where we were going. After what felt like 20 minutes a guy, older distinguished looking man, enters the stairwell, looks at the two of us (which at this point the girl turns back into the original guy) asks us whats wrong And I start to tell him the whole story. He lAughs and says the way out is this way pointing at the same door he just came from. We hurried to follow him through and it ended up being the principals office where we originally started. Again this is where it gets weird. Sitting in the office was the secretary from ferris buellers day off, an old professor of. Mine- dr. Z, and the principal. We e d up sitting around taking to them and then the secretary's flower vase falls off her desk and the guy & me are transported outside to a local restaurant. The guy and I are walking to the outside bar and he said"thanks." then I believe I woke up.

It was a very strange dream. It seemed as if it went on for hours and we we're lost in the school for hours.

Hmm off to the dream dictionary....


Saturday, October 15, 2011

Four months.

Today is the four months anniversary since I've been on a gluten free diet! Wahoooo!!!! I am a completely different person today. Who would have thought that just taking something silly as gluten out of my diet , I would become so healthy again. I'm happy that I am feeling better but I sure do miss piZza, bagels and pork roll. I know pork roll and cheese on a bagel is a jersey thing but there has to be good ( delicious, ) gluten free bagels somewhere and some company has to be developing gluten free pork roll. They have gluten free hot dogs, please someone develop gluten free pork roll. Pretty please!!!

Also I was very crafty today. I made a Halloween banner and started to make a turkey pin but I need to find ( in my craft boxes) googly eyes. See the photo below. Cute huh??
I have forgotten how awesome it feels to be creative. I love letting my mind wander and see what I come up with.

Be grateful.

Friday, October 14, 2011

2 tums and some peppermints

TGIF!! Even though I only worked 4 days this week- I am exhausted. It hit me that I had only 2 more days to learn the whole process of adoptions from a lovely lady who has been doing it for 23 years. Understandably I became very nervous and overwhelmed. I had to say something and I did. They understood my point and agreed with me and reassured me that I wasn't doing this all by myself as I previously thought. That made me feel better. It's like a crash course in adoptions.

My stomach has been giving me some troubles as well.

I'm excited to relax, maybe try something from pinterest that I found.

Cheers it the weekend.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

For the longest time...

This week feels like it has dragged on for weeks. It was a 4 day work week but it felt like I've worked 5 straight days. :/ tomorrow is Friday yay!

Saturday will be 4 months Gluten Free!! Wahoo. I'm hoping to try a craft that I've found on pinterest. I've bought some of the supplies last week and in sad to say that they are still sitting in the bag :(

She believed she could so she did.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Day three... Happiness

Had another awesome day. Went to court. Found my way through the whole building. Met another boy ( I swear this is a joke). My computer went crazy and printed what I needed like a bijallion times.

Overall great day.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Day two... Still awesome

Another great day at work. I met another young single employee today. Yesterday I met the tech guy, today was the clerk. It's quite funny and the whole situation makes me giggle. Everyone wants to set me up! I was feel good and it was good.

You make me smile, please stay awhile.


Monday, October 3, 2011

Best day everrr!!!!

Today was such an amazing first day. I feel so blessed to have this opportunity. I am thankful that they have put so much faith in me. I know I won't let them down. I am excited for the first time in a long time for the next 30 + years of my life and career.

never ever give up.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Helmets on, it's (really) go time.

Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my career. Yup that's right my career- I start my big girl job at the courthouse. I am very very excited and eager and a tiny bit of nervousness. I have to go to employee relations and fill out lots of papers and get my Id photo taken!!

I need to be bright eyed and bushy tailed early tomorrow morning.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life.


Thursday, September 29, 2011

It hurts here but not over there

Thursday- I awoke this morning to an incredible pain in my stomach. I thought I had just slept wrong but no it was persistent. Luckily I was already heading to the doctors. Luckily I was the first person there and again I was standing on line at an unlikely place (I stood online for 5 hours for a silly generator in home depot before hurricane Irene). I had to fill out paperwork then i waited... After the normal blood pressure and weight. Then I finally was able to see the doctor and he said I had an infection and gave me a prescription for antibiotics and I was on my way.
After waiting for my prescription I was on my way back to bed.
Sunday- I am feeling much better my energy is back and I feel great but I keep having these episodes where the pain in my stomach get so intense and so painful for maybe 15-20 minutes then it goes away. The whole episode lasts for about an hour then I'm fine. Weird. I also made an appointment for a gastroentrolgist. in November- it was the earliest appointment I could get. :/

I had plans for this past week to prepare for my new job but a severe fever and abdominal pain kept me in bed all week. I tried on all my work clothes and heels and most of them fit. I need to add heel pads in some of my heels. And some of my pants need to be tailored.

I am really really excited for Monday. I am a little nervous but I know I will adapt and do fine. A lot of people have a lot of faith in me and they know I can do it.

She stops and sings do doot do do do do

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Life goes on .....

Another day of feeling sick. I finally made an appointment with a gastroentolgist and I will be visiting a quick care doctor to see if there is an infection somewhere within me.

Bright point of my day: mommy found me soft (microwavable) pretzels from the health food store. I almost cried they were so gosh darn good!

God if you are really point me in the direction of really good gluten free pizza and not that fake crap either!


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A little bit stronger....

Today was another hard day for me. This is starting to become really worrisome for me. The day started out fine- I went to visit an old teacher of mine. We have stayed in contact over the past 5 years. It was a nice time. Then over the course of the day my tummy had its ups and down ( I learned that I cannot eat a half of bag of pepperoni [it's so darn good] thank god for tums) then tonight I was getting ready for bed and to watch my tv shows and I started to fell cold but I realized my body was very hot. This has happened for the past three days. It's over usually in an hour/ hour and a half. Mommy gave me her cool pad And I have been drinking water all night/day. I honestly do not know why this is happening. it actually scares me alot- what is happening to my body?! Especially because I start my full time job on Monday. What would I do if I got really sick at the courthouse??? This stressess me out even more!!!

I hope my insides finally calm down- I dont know what my tummy gets so angry. Mr. Tummy I promise I dont think I did anything to upset you.

What else can go wrong, honestly?!

An isle of calm in a sear of dispair.


Monday, September 26, 2011

Today was a better day. I got up cleaned up my closet aka I tried on my clothes to make sure they fit and took out my summer clothes etc. Then I had the most yummiest lunch! Mommy made Nathan's bigger than the bun hot dogs minus the bun. They were soooooooo good. The last time I tried hot dogs they weren't that good but these were so good I had 2!!!! And even better they didn't make me sick!
I went to the gym, cleaners ( to see f she could take in my coat- she couldn't because it is too much work?! This is your job what do you mean this is too much work?!) and the post office to mail Brian's surprise mail.
Dinner was equally amazing- steamed flounder with string beans and baked potatoes.

Chances are if you're a good person good things will cone to you.


Sunday, September 25, 2011


Today was a hard day for me. I woke up feeling great then I ate breakfast which was 2 waffels (which were gluten free) some maple syrup and butter on them with cherry juice. Half way through breakfast I started to not feel well but I was starving and I wanted to eat. I went back to bed and my stomach was hurting and I tried to relax. Lunch came around 2 and mommy made schar pasta with Mia Cucina sauce- this didn't go over too well. I ended up eating only half of my half plate and I couldn't eat any more. I was in such pain from god knows what. Being so frustrated with this whole lifestyle change I began to cry and scream. I wanted my old gluten filled favorites and I just can't seem to find decent replacement. I even went far as telling my parents I will just live on salad, apples, spinach, bananas, and water.
Another side effect thy makes me stay in bed is joint pain. When it's going to rain, when I eat something that was contaminated, when it's raining, etc. I feel as if I am a senior citizen. Both my mom and grandma had arthritis and I am very fearful that I am slowly acquiring it.
I finally fell asleep for a while and mommy & daddy slipped out to go pick up somethings at shop rite. When I woke up , mommy made me sow mashed potatoes for dinner and showed me the new candy ( necco, jelly belly kids mix) and she found nathans bigger than the bin gluten free hot dogs too!! I would love to find gluten free pork roll (it's a jersey thing).

Right now I'm on my 5th bottle of water for the day and watching family guy.

But I'm telling myself I'll be okay
Even on my weakest days
I get a little bit stronger

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Every ending is a new beginning.

Today was my last day at VS. My last day was just like my first day there-crazy. Our store is super busy and we have quirky customers to match. They make my day go by quicker and make me laugh.

The one manager who I've become close to said some really kind words to me before I left. It meant a lot to me.

Then I came home to a Facebook message from a friend who is having a hard time adjusting at college as a transfer student. I met him in community college and he stole my seat in our public speaking class. No joke. Hahhaa.

My night has consisted of eating 1 chocolate chip cookie, 1 chocolate pudding, cheese puffs and water. Leggings, tank top and a sweater shirt make my night even more enjoyable.

Hopefully I'll be able to sleep in tomorrow.

I'm the kind you bring home to mama.

Friday, September 23, 2011

iPhone app?! Yes please

So with this discovery, I hope to be blogger more. Life has been pretty crazy lately. My celiacs has been just like a roller coaster- up an Down- highs and lows - good days and bad days and worse days. Today it was alright. I think I have colic. Yes colic what baby's get. I have the adult version. Add that to my long list of medical (cant think of the word) malitities.
Good news tho- I got the job at the courthouse. I start on October 3 and I cannot wait!

Tomorrow is my last day at VS. Thank god!!!

Well off to bed/ watching gangland.

I wore a dress, you wore a dark grey t shirt.
- Elle

Sunday, September 11, 2011

They Save Us. Who Saves Them?

( this first part of this post was written on August 18th after an episode of Rescue Me. )

Every Wednesday, I try to watch Rescue Me. If you havent see it, its a show (fitictious) about the FDNY and their day to day lives working as firefighters. Now this show has been on tv for 7 seasons and I have tried to watch them all and sometimes, it was hard to watch the episodes due to the raw content, and not because there were scenes of death and bad injury but because my father is a firefighter. He has been a firefighter, Captain, Battalion Chief my whole life. He loves what he does but he rarely tells what exactly he does. Yes he would come home from his 24 hour shift, saying the funny stories from the previous shift and if he went on a run for careless cooking or someones cat was stuck in a tree but he never really told me, maybe he told my mom, the real stuff he did- running into the building first to search for surviors or other things that he didnt want to worry me with. The point is,  I never really knew what he really did.
I never fully understood what the job of a firefighter was until Rescue Me came out. This show is raw, and unforgiving and gave me an insight of what firefighters actually do. Maybe its dramatized for tv or blown out of proportion but it gave me something to see and say, oh thats what my dad does for a living.
When I was little, I remember when my dad came home, my mom and my dad would sit in the kitchen, drinking their coffee and talking about the past shift. As I got older, I sat with them sans coffee and listened. He ususally gave me the watered down version and when I got bored listening to every (boring) detail about his day, I left and then he would give my mom the real story- what really happened at 432 Smith Street or who had to go to the hospital after receiving attention at the ReHab tent at that 4 alarm last night. I got smarter and decided to listen sometimes to the stories from the hallway. Not until a couple of years ago, when I was away at college, I really started to realize the danger firefighters put themselves into.

The point of all this rambling- Last nights episode really hit me hard. Rescue Me is having their series finale on September 7th and fitting its right before the 10th Anniversey of September 11.  The Chief spoke about how heroes arent remember by making walls and monmouments (which I think is a good way of remembering heroes) but they are remembered by speaking about them, telling their stories of heroism and why they left such a lasting impression on you. The Chief spoke about the Vietnam War and how he recieved a letter from the wife of one his men that served under him. Then the Chief spoke about what those firefighters were thinking on the morning of September 11 right before they rushed downtown to do what they were trained to do-save the public. What were those brave and fearless firefighters thinking, writing letters to their loved ones that in the back of their minds they knew they would never see again?

Today is September 11th, and I still think what were those people thinking when they were calling their loved ones to say their last goodbye? What was going through their minds?  Watching the documentries and other tv programs about September 11th is like reliving that day over and over again. The huge question that looms over everyones head is "Where were you on Septemeber 11, 2001?" Everyone remember exactly where they were, who they were with and what they saw.
I was in Ms. Stankovich's 8th Grade Science Class. I was sitting at the lab table inbetween Jacob Stueber and Erin Stewart. It was right after gym class for me and someone ran into the class room and told Ms. Stankovich to put the tv on, something had happened. As she turned the TV on, we saw flames and smoke pouring out of one of the World Trade Towers. I didnt believe it, I didnt understand it then the whole class witnessed something that looked to be out of a horror movie- We saw the second plane fly right into the other Tower. I was 13 at the time and at that moment my world closed in and I remember thinking what is next?! Erin Stewart saw I was upset and said to me" why are you so worried? We are so far away from there, nothing will happen." I knew something would happen but I hoped it didnt.
When I arrived home later that day, I didnt see my dad's car in the usual spot in the drive way. My worst fear came true. My father, a Fire Captain, was in Northern NJ waiting to be deployed to help with the rescue detail at Ground Zero. My mom didnt even have to say it, I knew he was in North Jersey. I think I talked to him later that night; I was trying to be brave and strong but inside I was so worried. I don't remember exactly how long my father was gone for but I do remember him coming home. He looked like a ghost, still covered in grey dust, with a look on his face that was like no other I had ever seen. He didnt talk about what he did nor did he want to. I was happy to have him home, safe and sound.
Not till years later, has the effect of September 11th really hit me. The internet has let me have my hands on thousands of videos, personal stories, offical reports and millions of photos. The photos most of them are burned into my memory because I saw them live, and uncut. Still they all  bring tears to my eyes looking at them. One of the hardest hitting images that I cannot seem to fully understand is a video clip (recently I saw it in 102 minutes that changed America) that you see the smoke from the collpase of one of the towers and you see a fire truck, filled with firefighters speeding into the unknown and you see them dissappear into the dust and smoke and you know that they were probably never seen again.
After watching a documentary entitled "9/11", it gave me a chilling look into the lives of firefighters who were practically the first responders to the scene. They filmed when the first tower fell and what happend afterwards and it was unconcievable that these firefighters were still living. It was an inspring look into the lives of firefighter and how they are trained to do exactly what they did on September 11th- rescue people.That is what firefighters do. That is their lively hood.

America is resilient, strong and proud. We got through this and we can get through anything else.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

(Summer) Snow Day

  Last night, my parents and I went to the NKOTBSB Concert in Atlantic City.
Before we got into the concert, we went out to dinner at 24 Central in Trump. Since we ate there before ( before the Michael Buble Concert), I decided to bring my own dinner (due to the fact that it wasn't a gluten free establishment and I was too afraid to try something-even salad- due to cross contamination with other gluten foods. ) My parents and I asked for a booth and they stuck us in a corner which made me feel a little better because I felt awkward bringing my own food to a restaurant. I 'ordered' a salad and a water. My parents ordered grill cheese and a burger. I kept the salad in front of me and put my fork on the side of the dish as if I was eating it. My parents ate it and I ate a gluten free ham sandwich which I kept on my lap. Luckily our waiter wasn't very attentive and I didn't have to explain to the waiter why I was eating my sandwich.
After dinner, I went to Starbucks and got myself a treat- An organic apple juice juice box. HAHA I felt five.

After dinner it was close to 6:30, we decided to get online to wait for the concert. Luckily it wasn't raining, unlike the last time we were here for Michael Buble but it was extremely humid and hot out. After waiting for about 20 minutes, we were finally able to get in. We made a beeline for the concert merchandise and I got a teal Backstreet Boys t-shirt ( which later I ended up wearing!)

 Boy oh boy, did those boys grow up! I will admit, I am a bigger Backstreet Boys fan than New Kids on The Block but in the recent years I have liked them. What a wonderful high energy concert that lasted for 2 and 1/2 hours!! My mom was dancing and fist pumping and my dad even had fun. It was a great example to see how fans follow musical groups as they grew up. The audience was a mix of 20 something year olds to middle age to the older generation. Everyone was up on their feet singing along and having the best time. The opening acts were Matthew Morrison ( Yes, Mr. Shuster from Glee)and Midnight Red. Matthew Morrison was amazing- He is a dynamic performer!  My parents was very impressed! Midnight Red was cute. They are like a new school of boy bands- They had the cute one, the wild one, the young one, the old one and the shy one. I liked it.

Overall it was a wonderful night out.

I was exhausted, to say the least and I had to get up this morning for work. After being jolted out of bed by my alarm clock, I started getting ready, jumping in the shower etc. After my shower, my mom surprised me by making me my egg whites with ham and pepperoni and potatoes and onions (all gluten free! ), I went to my room and checked my phone and I saw I had a missed call and a voice mail. To my surprise, it was the store manager telling me that I didn't have to come into work because (get this!) our store was flooded and is closed today! What a nice surprise!
I was grateful for my snow day and I have been very very productive! ( and I believe I still get paid for the hours I would have worked because the store was closed for an unseen reason!!!!)

Other than work and the NKOTBSB concert, life has been quiet, which is what I like and relaxing.

Off to watch the Cops Marathon on G4!

"Jersey has the most beautiful women in the world." -Howie Dorough from last night.


Thursday, July 21, 2011

you only see these things working in retail...

So the other day, I was one of the cashiers and I look up at the line that had quickly formed and I see a mother and son. The mother has some beauty product and the son was looking down at what looked like was a portable game. I then realized it was a cellphone and he was looking so intently at it,  I wondered what he was playing. Then his mother says to the boy " great job! You did it" at this point I was still clueless what he was playing. A girl, in her twenties, was waiting behind the boy and the mother and her boyfriend was looking down at his iPhone so intently just like the son was. I didnt think anything of it and the mother said something to the son about angry birds, and the boyfriend behind him, piped up and said "oh im playing that too". After saying that  he quickly got back to his game. This whole conversation made me giggle and made me wish I had a camera because it was just like a kodak moment to see a young boy and a grown up playing angry birds so intently.

Also, Im trying to think of a way to make some cash on the side of working retail and hopefully my full time job in the fall. I want something that i can make my own hours and do something that is worthwhile and people would pay for.

So goodnight moon,
And goodnight you,
When you're all that I think about.
All that I dream about.
How'd I ever breathe without...


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

You're Approved

I have been waiting to hear these two words since I turned 18 and it finally happened tonight. I was approved for my very first credit card. This is such a momentous occasion. I recieved yet another credit card application today in the mail and i sat at my desk after dinner staring at it intently and I decided to give it a go.I entered the information and then clicked continue. The very next screen came up and it said APPROVED in huge bold letters. I called my mom in to make sure I was seeing it correctly and I was! I beyond excited.

I just had to share that with you all.


Saturday, July 16, 2011

we're growing up

Last night I got to spend some time with a good friend Emily. She recently (as in Tuesday) got her tonsils out. We spent a couple hours catching up on what has happened with us within the past month, what we are up to now and how she is preparing to spend the next two years in London, England. She is completing her Masters there. It was nice to get some perspective on my crazy life from her. We have known each other since my Sophomore year of High School.

Yesterday I also rented the Lincoln Lawyer at Redbox and I ended up watching it this morning. It was a wonderful legal thriller with a ton of twists. Plus who doesn't love a Matthew McConaughey movie?!

Beach tomorrow and life is going good!

And you know what?  When you least expect it, something great might come along, something better than you ever planned for.


Friday, July 15, 2011

Its my (1/2) Birthday...

Golly, Its already been six months since my birthday. I decided to do a half year update.

January: My birthday (sadly no photos)

A ton of Interviews for Internships

February: Started my Internship

March: St. Patricks Day

April: Bought a Bed!

Fundraiser for a local firefighter who was severely burned and hurt at a fire.
click here  for the story.

I got my Iphone.

I met  Megan McCafferty (again)

I graduated college

I went to Disney World.

 I started my accounting class

I supported the country and our veterans for Memorial Day.

Georgie met Jill Nicolini from Chanel 11 News on the Beach.

Went to the Michael Buble Concert

 Got an A in my Accounting Class

 Went to Fireworks on the Board walk

It has been such a great half of year. I am hoping that the next 6 months are as fun!


oh my gosh, these fireworks are AWESOME

that was said by a little boy tonight on the boardwalk while watching the fireworks. My parents and I went to the board walk tonight for the free fireworks. The boardwalk was fun, I went on the swings and on the carosel. I'm not much of a ride person. We played some skee ball and won some points. I have been collecting them since '95. I'm up to like 9000 and the only thing I can buy is a plastic whistle. hahaa I'll cash them in one day.

The rest of the day was nice, my new iPhone case came in the mail today. Its a penguin and its awfully cute.

I finally decided on a major for my bachelors degree. After a long thought process, I narrowed it down to 3 majors:
1. Education ( Mathematics)
2. Marketing/PR/Advertising
3. Accounting

Diversity was the key in my thinking. I already have an Associates Degree in Paralegal Studies and I really do like it ALOT but I cant get a Bachelor's degree in it unless I want to do an online degree, which I don't.
Here was my thought process for choosing these majors:
1. I always wanted to become a teacher. I toyed around with this thought all the way back in 2009 right before I started the paralegal program @ BCC. Though I thought I would want to teach elementary school but I don't- I want to teach math. That last statement made me laugh because from 1st grade all the way to 12th grade I had a tutor in math. (yes I know 1st grade math is 1+1. I was that bad in math.) Then my very first semester in college, I was placed in Calculus and I ended up passing the class with a B+ without a tutor. I did it all by myself. I felt awesome. I feel as if I can give back and help kids understand math like I did with the help of a tutor. Also I can work September to June in a School setting then June to September I can work as a paralegal so then I have 2 incomes coming in. BUT New Jersey seems to have an influx of teachers and there seems to be very few jobs for teachers. Not to mention the pension reform is still up in the air so that didn't seem to be a good idea right now.

2. I have always been a creative person (not as much the past couple of years but I am) and my mom has always told me that I would be great in Marketing/PR/Graphic Design. While I did take 2 Graphic Design classes, I realized that Graphic Design wasn't my forte but Marketing was still in my mind. For me, I feel as if I finally settled in here, where I live. I like the area, I am close to the beach, NYC and Philly. I am a homebody and I have finally realized. For me to make a decent living as a Marketing/PR/Advertising Representative, I would have to go north to the NYC area or West to the Philly Area. For me to commute either way would be A. very expensive and B. very tiresome (for me)
This didn't seem like a good idea.

3. If you told me 5 years ago, I would be considering becoming an Accounting major, I would have laughed so hard at you. Flashfoward to today, I am actually considering it. It combines what I like- numbers and math (but it all has to equal which is like a self check), being creative (naming the different accounts) and its recession proof. Who doesn't need an accountant?! After taking the Fundamentals of Accounting class a month ago, I realized with the right teacher I can learn and even love accounting. Now let me tell you- Accounting and I had a pretty tumultuous relationship. I used to cry during every class because I had no idea what was going on in this class. I got through it with a B the first time but in Accounting 2 oh gosh, I bawled my eyes out every morning at 8 am because the professor used to call on me every time because the professor liked to call on the student who got the lowest test score on first every since class; guess who that lucky student is- ME! Needless to say, I got my first D ever on my transcript. After I saw that, I was done with Accounting FOREVER. I took Accounting 1 again 4 years later at a community college and I did decent but I still didn't fully understand it. A year passed by and I decided to take Fundamentals of Accounting and I fell in love. I loved this so much that the professor even noticed and decided to point out to me (in front of the whole class) that I should be an Accounting major. I laughed it off but after I really started to think about it and I was intrigued and I started to investigate the major.
After a long time of research and weighing the pros and cons, I decided to go into Accounting. Since I am considered a Transfer student so I need to contact the transfer counselors and see where I can get the most bang from my buck.(ie Where the most of my credits to accepted, the lowest price etc. )

This is a big decision for me. I don't really like big decsisons and I finally realize that this is what I want to do. I am still interested in Paralegal and Legal Studies. I talked to my parents about it and they are so happy for me. Its been a rocky 5 years for me but I am happy to be back on track.
Also I will be paying for my Accounting degree (possibly MBA) all by myself. This is a choice made by me. My parents of course offered but I want to invest my hard earned money on myself. I have some savings bonds that I will probably use to help me along.

Along with these classes I hopefully will be working at the courthouse full time. I realized its not a rush for me to get my degree, I have to just take it one step at a time.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

hey did you go.....

Today was a good day, before i went into work this afternoon, I stopped into Old Navy to return a pair of pants I bought online but they ended up being too big! (ahhhh yess!!) So I walk in and hop on line with 3 people in front of me. I had my iPhone in my hand and I anxiously was looking at it making sure I was keeping track of time. Luckily the 3 people in front of me didn't have really complex or complicated purchases so I am standing behind this man who is looking at the gift cards and then there is me, standing there in all black clothes, my bright teal bag and a small brown shopping bag with the pair of black pants, the cashier, a boy, looked at me while the man buying the gift card was swiping his credit card, said to me "oh you can put your bag up here, its alright" with my shyness, smiled and obliged. The man who bought the gift card left and this was the conversation that transpired:

cashier boy: hello
me: hi, i bought these online but they didn't fit
cashier: oh okay i can take care of this for you
cashier: ::::looking at the receipt, punching keys on the keyboard:::
me: :::smiling uncomfortably:::
cashier: okay $25 will go back on the card
me: :::rummaging through my HUGE bag::: do you need the card?? ::my voice trembling at this point::
cashier: did you go to _____? :::as he is finishing up the transaction:::
me: ::::stumbling over my words and super surprised:: uh uh yes  i did
cashier: i thought you looked familiar
me: :::racking my brain to think of something intelligent to say because I am so surprised by what he said:::  ::smiling and my face is probably red::: what year did you graduate?
cashier: 05
me: :::smiling:: 06
me: i'm gabrielle ::smiling thinking if that was okay to say:::
cashier: i'm nick :: as he is handing me the receipt:::
me: well it was nice to meet you, see you around
cashier: you too have a good day.

I walked out of Old Navy beaming, things like this happen but never to me and it got me excited and i bounced over to my job. I wouldn't say it was busy because it wasn't but I wouldn't say it was slow either. Today brought in a lot of foreigners that were quite mean and rude. I didn't mind their rudeness because I kept trying to think who this Nick character was and how did I know him besides seeing him at Old Navy.

Hmm, I'll have to see where this one goes.

Other than that I was feeling a lot better today until dinner when i ventured to eat chocolate ice cream =( oh well, i have been really doing well with this whole gluten free diet/lifestyle. Friday will be the one month mark.

with sparkling eyes, look for the beauty in everything.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

ce que vous voulez???

Today was an interesting day. I was met today with four customers who, I'm guessing are on vacation here in the states, who spoke nothing but this foreign language and I had no idea what they were saying. I had to resort to pointing , thumbs up, thumbs down, shaking head yes or no, feeling the fabric etc. It was quite hard and frustrating at first but after a while we got the hang out it. I had to help other customers and the four foreigners went out with their browsing  and other associates tried to help them and kept complaining how annoying they are because they didn't speak English. After a while (read:1 hour), the one man pointed towards the register, here is where I interact with them again and then the man looked at me, I was probably frazzled looking said to me with a smile "Tu parle l Français?" I somehow knew what that meant  and giggle to myself and said " no, Italian tho." Three Hundred dollars later the strangers from France had finally left. That started my morning off great.

The rest of the day flew by and by 4 pm I was ready to go go go.
On my way home, I stopped by the library and picked up Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. I have been looking at it for a hour.

Rizzoli and Isles was awesome last night and I am re-watching it right now. It's going to be a good season.

we were caught up in a southern summer.

Monday, July 11, 2011

What a relaxing day I had. My parents went to the beach and I had the house all to myself. I did some laundry,changed my bed, caught up on the news, watched a good lifetime movie(cheesy but nonetheless a lifetime movie from the 90s), organized my life somewhat and started writing thoughts down.
I did order an awesome iPhone case-its a penguin. I've been conntemplating buying it for a while and last night I finally bought it. It should be here by next week i think?
My clothes I ordered from came today. The black v-neck tee and the black ruffle collar shirt both fit well but the black perfect khakis I ordered were HUGE on me! They said that they were short but they weren't =( I'll just return them to the store when I head into work.

I have been listening to all this Harry Potter Hoopla and I finally have decided to read all the books. I put on hold at the library the first book- Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. I know I'm late with this craze but I'm not a girl who follows the pack. I like to take my own path most days.

well its almost time for Rizzoli and Isles season premiere.

sometimes you just need to get back to your roots.
Today was fun! I felt awesome this morning so I ventured out with my gluten free snacks in my Vera Bradley clutch and headed to Target and  the mall. I found the black t-shirts I need for work and some gatorade for $1 each. Then off to the mall.  Now after working at the mall about 3 years, I have noticed that  the mall has been becoming more and more delapadated over time and its kinda not where I want to go to shop. Stores are closing and there are empty suites and its really depressing. None the less, the stores I want to look in, are still there. Thank you Pink Nation for 7 for 25.50 underware this weekend! I ventured into Francesa's and found a couple of cute things but I couldnt bring myself to spend $44 dollars on a fancy shirt I have no idea when  I was going to wear. They had a notebook that said 'Life' on it so I was curious about it and I opened it up and it was a journal where you log what you eat, when you went to the gym, ect. That is exactly like the Life Handbook I have to keep track of what foods I eat and if they agree with my new Gluten lifestyle; I also keep track of when I go to the gym, where I can find certain foods and all my log ins and passwords for the websites I go to frequently.
 After awhile of windowshopping, I came to the conclusion, nothing is more going to say ' buy me! buy me!' besides Auntie Annies Pretzels, which I cannot possibly eat or I wont be feeling that well.

Currently I'm watching Sydney White and comtemplating my life. I decided my next big purchase will be a house or renting a house with an option to buy. I figured this because I already bought a car, I have my dream phone, the elusive white iPhone 4, I have a bed, a computer but I am living with my parents- Which I absolutely LOVE and my parents LOVE me being here but in the future I do want to have my own little house, nothing big- just big enough for me- 2 bedroom, a kitchen, laundry room, living room, just basic things. I would love to have a little beach house.

Though the house is years off but i like that I keep goals in my mind. It keeps me on my feet and my priotierties in line, I just want a happy life. thats it. =D

“An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but it will never break.”—An ancient Chinese belief
