Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Years Eve 2011

I had big plans for New Years Eve this year- going to see New Years Eve (the movie) in the theater but no I am sick in bed with a cold and a neck ache. Best luck ever- you betcha!

So It's New Years Eve and I thought I should reflect on one of the best years of my life. (this is probably going to be VERY LONG, my apologizes)

  • I turned 23
  • I had 2 interviews for internships
  • I ended my internship at the legislative office which was wonderful
  • I got an internship at the Surrogate's Court
  • Started my internship at the Surrogate's Court

  • St. Patrick's Day fiasco lives on

  • Dad retired from the Fire department- 33 years!
  • Bought a bed

  • Went to a fundrasier for a local firefighter who was badly burned 
  • Got my iPhone
  • Graduated College ( distinugished honors!!)
  • Disney World
  • Kick off to Summer Celebration at the beach
  • Memorial Day Parade- Honoring those who gave it all for our country

  • Networking with Emily at Bamboo 52, St. Marks Hotel and Bar None (Hi Jack the Red Sox Fan from Boston!)
  • Michael Buble Concert in Atlantic City
  • Living Gluten Free became my life. literally.

  • 4th of July on the Beach
  • NKOTBSB concert in Atlantic City
  • Beach days

  • Mommy and Daddy's 30th Wedding Anniversary
  • Exciting news from the Surrogate's Court
  • Hurricane Irene (sitting in Home Depot for 5 hours)

  • Even more exciting news from the Surrogate's Court
  • 10 year anniversary of September 11
  • Mommy's Birthday
  • Last day at Victoria's Secret

  • Dad's Birthday
  • Started my (big girl) job at the Surrogate's Court

  • Got my name plate
  • National Adoption Day went Wonderful
  • Got the hang of the office (and how to dismantle paperwork that had exihbits up to EEE)

  • Happy Birthday Frank Sinatra Celebration
  • Christmastime in the Office
  • Christmas Day at home
  • got the best christmas gift EVER
WOW! what a crazy year 2011 was.

Here is to another wonderful year filled with laughter, surprises, family, friends and joy.

xoxox Elle

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Best Present EVER

Merry Christmas everyone. I hope everyone got what they wanted. I wanted to share this one photo.
My Favorite gift this year- yup 3 old keys with a ribbon tying them together.
My parents gave this to me as my very last gift. along with it came a note- on parchment paper and it read:
Dear Gabrielle,
We want to first tell you how proud we are of you. We are proud of the person you have grown into. We are also so proud how level headed you are as a young adult. You have set goals for yourself and applied yourself and achieved those goals. We are also very aware you have a dream which you have shared with us. The dream to someday own your own home . We want to help you achieve this dream.
Enclosed are three keys. These keys are actually keys from the turn of the centry. Dad searched high and low for these keys. He lovingly sprayed them for you so they shine as bright as your personailty.
The first key is the key to our heart. You have our unconditional love and support and always will. The second key is the key to unlock your future. You have so many opportunities waiting for you- don’t let a great opportunity pass you by. The third key represents the key (someday you will actually hold in your hand)…. they key to your FIRST HOME. We want to start your HOUSE FUND with a contribution from us to you…. WITH LOVE!
Mom & Dad
ps. We read somewhere you are more likely to achieve your dreams and goals if you actually visualize them… we thought these keys and your HOUSE FUND should help you do just that! XXOO
I was so touched and taken aback by this gift. My parents are so amazing and this was so amazing.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

All I want for Christmas is...

So I just got back from lunch and I see an older man walk by with a younger woman. As he walks by he takes one look at me and says the following:
Man: I want you under my christmas tree this year
Woman: dad you don't have a tree
Man: I will get one just for her

I have the most Uncontrollable giggle fit. Well I'm glad my demographic didn't change.

Merry Christmas y'all!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Friday, December 9, 2011


Switzerland, Ireland, France. Gosh my voice has traveled more places than I have!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Bonjour belle

Nothing beats talking to someone from Paris and being called mademoiselle over and over. That can make a girl very happy on a very rainy day.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Not a normal monday

Today was so unexpected funny. I forgot my lunch. I parked in the garage expecting to be able to walk the overpass to get into the justice complex WRONG! I was greeted by 3 very quizzative guards. The questions included but not limited to : " how are you today?" " you work here?" "where?" "why are you over here?" " open you jacket please?" "what is your name?" yes I played 20 questions in about a minute. We received a ton of mail today. One Christmas card was from a very nice house which happens to be white. Yup, that's right we got a Christmas card from the POTUS and family plus the dog. It was precious.

That was about the extent of the day- other than more crazy questions.

Your station is so happy and cheerful!
One of the best!- a note from the cleaning lady.

Friday, December 2, 2011

I'm going to be a little weepy

Today was interesting. Our computers were down for a bit and it was slow which I was happy about. I received a few phone calls that were very sad which in turn made me very sad.
1. A mother whose first words to me were "I'm sorry I'm going to be a little weepy" which I didn't understand at first but then she started to tell me that her son was killed in Afghanistan last month. I believe I remember seeing the procession on the local news station. He was 19 or so.
2. A mother called saying over the summer her 9 year old daughter drowned in a pool. I believe this was on the news as well bc she drowned in a local hotel pool
3. A young woman came in about 27-30 with a very curious young boy; the look on her face told the whole story. The look of sadness that filled her face was deafening. She tried to speak and as she spoke her voice trembled and she tried so hard to be strong for her and her son. She sat down and she tried so hard to not cry. She must have really loved him.
One of the highlights of the day was this olde man came in pretty early this morning asking if his paperwork was ready. Unfortunetly it wasn't because our computers were down. He was going back to michigan tomorrow and he wanted to settle some affairs before then. So I told him that we can mail him the paperwork so he could go home as planned. I suggested he could call back a little later to see if it was ready. Later that day, the older man called back and he paperwork was ready. He came in and I handed him his paperwork and he was amazed. He looked at the envelope and then at me. He finally said "I bet you had something to do with this being ready. " I just smiled and said have a good holiday. He walked away smiling whig was a nice surprise for me after all of the sadness.

I came home to stress and thinking to. Myself- wondering why do we bother with love if it doesn't last? My parents marriage is hanging on by threads. All my relationships have ended up in sadness. I posed this question to a friend: "Do you think everyone has someone out there? Do you believe that there is an invisible red string that connects 2 people together? "
His response : "I'll be honest with you. I think there is someone for everyone. I think there are a few people for someone, that if things go wrong you can still find someone and be happy. I also believe that some people, no matter how happy they are with another person, some people are destined to live their lives without someone by their side. It's fate and chance and love and it's all a big mess."
I was intrigued by his answer because I sometimes think I can live my life without anyone. I like being by myself. I am more comfortable alone. I am not a showy person and I am quiet.

Life is funny.