Friday, December 2, 2011

I'm going to be a little weepy

Today was interesting. Our computers were down for a bit and it was slow which I was happy about. I received a few phone calls that were very sad which in turn made me very sad.
1. A mother whose first words to me were "I'm sorry I'm going to be a little weepy" which I didn't understand at first but then she started to tell me that her son was killed in Afghanistan last month. I believe I remember seeing the procession on the local news station. He was 19 or so.
2. A mother called saying over the summer her 9 year old daughter drowned in a pool. I believe this was on the news as well bc she drowned in a local hotel pool
3. A young woman came in about 27-30 with a very curious young boy; the look on her face told the whole story. The look of sadness that filled her face was deafening. She tried to speak and as she spoke her voice trembled and she tried so hard to be strong for her and her son. She sat down and she tried so hard to not cry. She must have really loved him.
One of the highlights of the day was this olde man came in pretty early this morning asking if his paperwork was ready. Unfortunetly it wasn't because our computers were down. He was going back to michigan tomorrow and he wanted to settle some affairs before then. So I told him that we can mail him the paperwork so he could go home as planned. I suggested he could call back a little later to see if it was ready. Later that day, the older man called back and he paperwork was ready. He came in and I handed him his paperwork and he was amazed. He looked at the envelope and then at me. He finally said "I bet you had something to do with this being ready. " I just smiled and said have a good holiday. He walked away smiling whig was a nice surprise for me after all of the sadness.

I came home to stress and thinking to. Myself- wondering why do we bother with love if it doesn't last? My parents marriage is hanging on by threads. All my relationships have ended up in sadness. I posed this question to a friend: "Do you think everyone has someone out there? Do you believe that there is an invisible red string that connects 2 people together? "
His response : "I'll be honest with you. I think there is someone for everyone. I think there are a few people for someone, that if things go wrong you can still find someone and be happy. I also believe that some people, no matter how happy they are with another person, some people are destined to live their lives without someone by their side. It's fate and chance and love and it's all a big mess."
I was intrigued by his answer because I sometimes think I can live my life without anyone. I like being by myself. I am more comfortable alone. I am not a showy person and I am quiet.

Life is funny.

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